Greekgeek's Online Odyssey - Hubpages and Online Article Writing Tips

How Your Squidoo Bio Builds Backlinks

Ooo! Everyone’s always wondering where to get backlinks. One thing people often forget about is that inter-linking counts. That is, links from the same domain as your page count as a backlink! That’s why Squidoo cross-links lenses in so many ways.

There is a powerful backlink source hidden right in plain sight: your Squidoo lensmaster bio.

Your “About Me” bio includes links to your top ten lenses in terms of lensrank, plus any links you may have hand-typed within your Bio. For instance, if you click the “More” link in my Default Lensmaster Bio  that shows up in the upper righthand of EVERY ONE of my Squidoo lenses, you get a popup that says:

Part-time Latin tutor, art history instructor, artist and writer puttering away at a PhD in mythology and depth psychology.

My lenses currently include art, gifts and musings related to ancient Greece – Ancient Greece Odyssey and my Toyota Prius, just because I keep having to answer the question —  “Yes, I Love My Hybrid Car!”

Greekgeek’s Pages

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ALL of those links are embedded in EVERY single one of my lenses. So those count as backlinks. LOTS of backlinks. With 110 lenses, that means that those lenses all get 110 backlinks!  So be sure to include links to some lenses you want to promote in your default bio. Then rejoice that all your lenses are giving a small SEO boost to your ten highest-ranked lenses…automatically!


  1. Volkan says:

    Thisz a actually enjoyable Blog. Gratitude for the good post! You have made some excellent points here. And confidently most group will agree with you. Thanks though, Im thankful some people share worthy stuff like this! It’ll greatly aid me in my SEO activities.

  2. Love says:

    Nice trick…
    Btw, i heard that squidoo backlinks are loved by big G :)

  3. kikij says:

    Oh wow, this is such great advice, thank you! I am going to implement this right now!

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