Greekgeek's Online Odyssey - Hubpages and Online Article Writing Tips

Testing, One, Two, Three

This post is not categorized, not labeled, ‘cuz it’s for old Squidfriends: I’m asking a favor.

Your mission, should you choose to accept:

1. Go to your last month’s payments.
2. Click “Export as TSV” (tiny link at upper right) or copy the chart into Excel or your favorite spreadsheet.
3. Set up formulas to add up the columns.
4. Do your subtotals meet the dashboard’s reported subtotals?
5. Try the same experiment for a few different months.

Repeat question #4. Results, please? I’ve always seen very small discrepancies– a few pennies to tens of pennies depending on total haul. I suspect it’s simply an artifact of numbers being rounded somewhere, but it looks odd.


  1. Tom says:

    I think I noticed that too a long time ago, but I had to go back and look at it again. Using the last three digits. Squidoo says I had a total of 8.96, adding it all up in a spreadsheet I get a total of 9.04, and my paypal this month was 7.96.

    Squidoo has this disclaimer right after the total: “Earnings totals are subject to a margin of error of up to $2 due to rounding variations. Actual payments could be slightly higher.”

    Although, I ‘ve never seen the actual payment be slightly higher than the total, always lower.

    1. Greekgeek says:

      It’s usually lower, but I did find one month where it was four cents higher. The discrepancies are small enough that rounding would account for them, yeah.

      Thanks. When I first saw that, I was a bit frustrated — it’s not much, but over the years it does add up — but I think that must be the reason.

  2. Dee says:

    I have been trying to keep records of what I have earned on a lens by lens basis to determine which ones were making the most money, and this has been a frustration to me also, because it doesn’t add up. It isn’t a huge discrepency, but from an ex-bankers point of view, it is extremely annoying to not be able to quite balance!…lol (Yeah, I still put my money in denomination order, and facing the same way too….habits are hard to break sometimes).

    1. Greekgeek says:

      Same here. I was afraid we might be getting shortchanged just a little bit, but on closer examination, it’s almost certainly an artifact of rounding. It’s still a niggling little annoyance!

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