Greekgeek's Online Odyssey - Hubpages and Online Article Writing Tips

When Squidoo (or any) website is glitching…

We’ve endured about two weeks of connection timeouts and edits that refuse to take. You may want to give up entirely and work on some other site. But if you’ve got work on Squidoo that can’t wait, get in the habit of this simple, VITAL technique:

Right before hitting the “Save” or “Post” button on a field of text, ALWAYS click Control-A (Command-A on Mac) to Select All, then Control-C (Command-C) to copy the contents to the clipboard.

That way, no matter what, you’ve saved what you just wrote and can copy it to a text document or try again. It’s an imperfect solution — and I advise working in a text document for longer chunks of text and pasting them across — but it will save you at least a little screaming.


  1. Dianne says:

    This is a great idea. I do it sometimes but right now seems like an especially good time when Squidoo is being so wonky.

  2. luvmyludwig says:

    thanks for the reminder. I never do this and boy do I get burned!

  3. AJ says:

    Generally I draft my content in either Word or Notepad and save. Then I copy and paste onto the webpage. That way when there’s a “glitch-fest”, I dont lose what I have just posted and I have a back-up copy.

    Then all I have to do is remember to back-up when I make changes…..

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