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A Squidoo Riddle

Fluff is not allowed to answer this (unless he knows who’s responsible for it).

For several months now, there has been a Squidoo Easter Egg on every lens that gives me flashbacks to the pre-internet of the 1980s. It’s both blazingly obvious and utterly invisible. Do you know what it is?

It surprised me when it first appeared, because it was a bit of unnecessary “stuff” added at the same time that four years worth of accumulated code was tidied up and streamlined. But I suppose search engines know to skip it.


  1. I didn’t know what you were talking about to begin with, but as soon as I started looking for it I found it. Very retro.

    Search engines will ignore it, and it compresses pretty well too (only 154 bytes).

    1. Greekgeek says:

      Hee. I always assume you know everything that’s going on under the hood, since you’re a code genius. :)

  2. Joan Adams says:

    Clueless here! Sounds like I don’t need to worry about it though! :)

  3. luvmyludwig says:

    would it be the newsletter sign up in the footer? :)

    1. Greekgeek says:

      No, it’s something a little more “retro,” as Fluff put it. :D

  4. Arrgh, now I have to look for it!

    The only thing I can’t remember if I’ve seen before is the RSS button. Oh, and a couple of extra FB Like buttons around the page.

    1. Greekgeek says:

      Nope, much like “THIS IS A FAKE” hidden on my Nessie photo, you’ll know it when you see it.

  5. Sounds funny, but haven’t seen it.

  6. Onefootputt says:

    I love puzzles, but was never very good at finding easter eggs.

  7. Kevin Wilson says:

    You mean the “*******”? Funny. eh :)

    GG Edit: Yes, you’re right! I’ll give readers another week to find it. :)

  8. Jodi says:

    Oh, I think I know what you mean. Reminds me of my childhood (and those big Snoopy and USS Enterprise printouts).

    1. Greekgeek says:

      HA. Yes!

      Somewhere I have all the old Trek actors done that way.

  9. luvmyludwig says:

    I think I found it, in plain sight, in a certain view of a lens, as big as the broad side of a barn?

    1. Greekgeek says:

      That’s the one!

      1. luvmyludwig says:

        I saw that before, but didn’t know it was new lol

  10. theraggededge says:

    It’s green?

    1. Greekgeek says:

      Thank you, Scotty!

      No, it’s not green. It’s black and white, at least on my browser. :)

      Edit: Oops, yes, it IS green, but my laptop screen is old and my eyes are older. :)

      1. Actually, it does appear green when I look at it…

        Hint: “You cannot be told what the Matrix is… you have to see it for yourself.”

        1. Greekgeek says:

          Goodness. Sorry.

          You know, it IS green. Oooooold refurbished laptop screen ain’t great for color.

      2. flighty02 says:

        Green on chrome, black and white when viewed from explorer :)

        1. Jodi says:

          Green in Firefox, doesn’t show at all in Safari.

  11. MiMi says:

    It’s green on my browser. :)

  12. Greekgeek says:

    So for anyone who’s still trying to find it, go to one of your lenses, choose “View Source” from the view menu of your browser (may be hidden under “Developer Tools” or some such), and then look at the top of the lens.

    Silly ASCII art. :)

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