Claiming authorship of your unique, original content could help your content rank better in Google, if Google determines that you generally write good content. It also might help Google find your new content faster, since it will check your author profile (lensmaster profile) from time to time. Most importantly, if you establish yourself as the author of content in Google’s eyes, it will privilege the original content above that of scrapers.
The downside is that while HTML has a mechanism for you to establish your content linked to any username, Google will only recognize your authorship if you link it to a Google profile including your real name and a photo. This is a serious problem for millions of web users who have privacy concerns, especially minors and women who are sometimes targets of stalkers.
But if you already have a Google+ account, and/or you’re willing to take the risk, here’s what to do:
How to claim authorship with
rel=”author” and rel=”me” : a Squidoo Tutorial
I did this at the beginning of September, and saw my traffic spike across most of my lenses. See my Squidoo Stats for the week of Sep 4-10, showing my weekly traffic jumping from about 12,500 to 15,000, and this chart of my top 25 lenses by lensrank:

Traffic increase a week and a half after implementing rel="author"
I wish I knew whether these traffic spikes were coincidence or significant. I did not see similar almost-across-the-board traffic increases from other search engines; some were up and some were down. If you’re an established web author with a lot of good content on the web, I’m curious to know whether you’ve seen similar results after a week or two of hooking up your content to your Google profile with rel=”author” and rel=”me”.
Another excellent tutorial. I was up and running with squidoo in less than 5 minutes, still have to find a suitable real me pic for my google profile (I am going around with my avatar since…what 14 years? so it’s a weird feeling to change that).
I am still struggling with WP blog tho (left you a question on you tutorial). Followed some of your link, but they seem to assume that the WP theme allow for that single post thing in editor.
Hope it will help with squidoo lenses getting scraped, I don’t check for plagiarism of my page anymore at the moment because I don’t have time to fight it right now, but I know some of them must have been plagiarized again in view of the traffic drop.