Greekgeek's Online Odyssey - Hubpages and Online Article Writing Tips

Silly Squidoo Trick: 3-Month Stats Shortcut

Do you check your long-term (or at least medium-term) stats regularly to investigate traffic sources and keyword trends?

Here’s a fun trick. Make sure you’re logged into Squidoo, then click this SquidStats shortcut (I programmed it myself; it’s safe).

This shortcut skips over the multiple steps I was having to take to see three-month stats:

  1. go to the dashboard
  2. click “Stats” under a lensname
  3. click “traffic” tab
  4. choose “3 month range”

The only catch is that you have to remember a lensname — the part of a lens URL minus — or have the lens open so you can grab the end of its URL. (or, if on the dashboard, right-click to copy the URL, paste it into the entry box, but delete before hitting return.)

If you find this Squidstats shortcut useful, then drag it onto your bookmarks bar.

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