When I browse Twitter, I see PICTURES with some Tweets, which help draw the eye to them:

Why, yes, Twitter thinks I’m weird. (Here’s the Sea Slug Article and my phone book article.)
Hubpages, Squidoo and other websites usually have Tweet buttons, but one thing they DON’T usually do is incorporate a photo or graphic into the Tweet. If you’re Tweeting your own stuff, be sure to add a graphic! Here’s how:
- Save a graphic from the article (or some appropriate graphic) to your computer.
- Go to the article and click the Tweet button to compose a Tweet.
- Instead of sending the Tweet then and there, COPY the text of the Tweet, so that you grab the article’s URL.
- Go to twitter.com and paste the Tweet in the Compose box.
- Click the camera icon at the bottom of the Tweet box to upload the photo.
- NOW Tweet it!
Wait— WHERE will these graphics show up, anyway?
- Sometimes they’re thumbnails in people’s Twitter stream.
- They appear in the “Gallery” area on the left side of your Twitter Profile Page.
- They are big and bold in the “Discover” part of Twitter— click the “Discover” link at the top for a demo!
- Twitter is evolving. I suspect these pictures are going to grow more prominent with time, so get in the habit, right now.
Obviously, be careful of copyright. Remember that the image may be shared in retweets. Do you have the right to share/publish/distribute that graphic? Or, at the least, is it Fair Use?
P.S. I’ve just found two treasure troves of vintage, out-of-copyright images that require no credit: Vintage Printables, which includes this odd balloon illustration, and OhMeOhMy Vintage. There you go!

Leopoldo Galluzzo’s illustration for an 1836 hoax purporting to depict discoveries of life on the moon by famous astronomer John Herschel.
I just revisited this post and can’t believe that I didn’t leave a “thank you” comment here… sorry!
Your steps shown here work like a charm and I’m now trying to remember to add photos to my Tweets so that I get more clicks – GOT to remember to not just click the re-tweet button, but to grab the code and do it in my own account though… that is the part I keep forgetting to do – duh!
I forget all the time, too. Sometimes my tutorial posts are self-reminders.